Tuesday 6 July 2010

At the Guardian Activate Conference 2010

I was at the Guardian Activate Summit 2010 last week; a day-long conference looking at the internet, communications technology, the media, development, business and various other issues (including, for some reason, research into the curing of old age...).

With over 50 speakers, and as a "new media" event, there was a fair amount at the conference that was either not relevant to me, or that was completely pointless, but shiny, verbal fluff.

The speakers that really jumped out for me were:

Ethan Zuckerman (Founder, Global Voices)

Danny O'Brien (Internet Advocacy Co-ordinator, Committee to Protect Journalists)

Juliana Rotich (Co-Founder, Ushahidi)

Rose Shuman (Founder, OpenMind & Question Box)

Sameer Padania (Former Manager, the Hub, Witness)

Clay Shirky (Author, Here Comes Everybody)

Eric Schmidt (CEO & Chair, Google)

I'll post some ideas about these speakers and their work soon.

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